About the Site
Created at: 2024-03-27
Last edited at: 2024-04-01
First, a little backstory.
I didn't have access to the Wolrd Wide Web at a early age, but I had a computer with The Sims, SimCity 3000 and Doom (quite the contrast, isnt it?) that one of my cousins installed for me, and I didn't understand 90% of the words because it was in English, which isn't my primary language, so I didn't knew how to actually do stuff (and I was really young) but somehow, it fascinated me that this weird box with weird buttons would react to me with such interesting things, yet, it was just... Doom's main menu.
Unfortunately, when I had internet access, the Web was already "minimilizing" itself.
Fast forward to 3 months ago, and I'm interested in web design again (now as a hobby) because YouTube recommended me a video about SpaceHey, Neocities and the Old/Small Web, and it felt kinda nostalgic, but I didn't experienced that time, yet I was atracted to it because I don't know why, so I started using these sites and it was very interesting to see those personal blogs and projects, and it looked so cool I had to try it!
It wasn't really difficult, those Neocities sites had quite a lot of links to HTML guides and it was really fun doing it, until I found out about Responsive Design and entered the rabbit hole of mobile optimization and the Good Web Design™ of today's standarts (just type "good web design" on google), and it drove me insane trying to balance my vision with responsiveness and mobile support. I really tried to capture the old-web-esque style (I was making a tarot themed blog) with something usable on a phone but it just didn't work unless I sacrificed major parts of the website to fit in a small window, moreover I was (still am as I write) an amateur at it, so it bothered me a bunch that I couldn't do it. I deleted all archives of the site that day.
Despite this, I still wanted to create something, so I went on the World Wild Web searching for answers to questions I didn't really had, but I guess it was a lucky day, because while I browsed some pages on Neocities, I stumbled upon this text, and it basically described what I was trying to do. Not focusing in my words first. I had things to say but I was focusing too much on style and the Good Web Design™ things , and I couldn't reach my point because I was stuck on this, and this barebones, pure html website, just hit me with words of wisdom that made too much sense. So I started this pet project of mine, this website/wiki/personal blog/personal wiki/any more?/wikisite which you're hopefully reading unless I back down of all of this and just keep it private so hi, i guess... not very good at this.
This should be one of the first of many pages I will try to create, focusing on words first, other elements if necessary, because that what this website, and the internet in general, is all about.
...oh, i forgot to mention, but I learned about Zim, and I'm using for creating the pages, quite useful for my goal!
Thank you, Reader.