
Created at: 2024-04-03
Last edited at: 2024-04-08

A funny story,
While I was writing the second part of the text, I was offfine because my internet was in maintence, now as I write this, my internet is sorta back and I check YouTube to see what happened while I was gone (yes, im a slave to the system i critique), and...
This happened.
This will broke me and already is doing his work.
This marks the end of me.
And I will update this.
I lost my train of thought while doing this.
Edit 1: I finished writing exactly 4 hours in. Day 2
Edit 2: 9 hours in, I'm excited to announce I actually uploaded the site! Day 3
Edit 3: 19 hours in, my expectation is to finish 2 days from now, will try to write something now (its 3am :c ) Day 4
Edit 4: I slept, currently 22 hours in. Day 5
Edit 5: 30 hours in, finished back button, 8 hours left. Day 5
Edit 6: Its done. And it's just Part 1.