Have you ever sent a email to your pal?
Created at: 2024-04-11
Last edited at: 2024-04-11
The question is pretty simple, have you?
I hadn't sent it until yesterday, while writing down ideas to talk about, this question came to me, so I gave it a thought and sent a email to the only person that a could remember, and as I write this, he didn't responded me (in email and non-email btw) which does defeat some purpose if you think about it, but I'm using it as fuel anyways.
The content was pretty simple, just a "Hi, how are ya, I still remember your email, here a totally me photo, please respond." just wrote something funny to say that I now have sent a email to my friend and here we are right now.
I would love to someone (of course, not a stranger) to send me even a simple email just saying hi like I did, going all the way to discover a email address (or just ask them), open your own inbox, and type it out, even for funsies, is a whole lot compared to just DM someone. And maybe I'm romanticizing this, but it's cool as fuck in my book, and I don't have a whole explanation why it is. Maybe I'm just stupid.
Nevetheless, instant messaging apps are getting more "fluffier", grabbing the attention I was using to focus to chat with "... is typing" or just being annoying or also robbing my attention using in-your-face notifications (I actually hate phone notifications because of that, uses too much space on a already small screen), this "problems" aren't really present on emails because of the non-instant message nature on them, there's no read status, no typing stauts, notifications are just a number in your browser, most anxiety-drivers are obfuscated, just having one less thing not trying to get our attention is already something to strive for, which can lead you to detach from some of the big tech's attention suckers, doing wonders to you (currently trying to go for it, wish me luck), maybe you are multi-tasking right now reading this and listening to a podcast, or on voice chat, and just a beep from notification can get you really distracted and make you forget everything (and you possibly already have poor focus because of multi-tasking), not needing to worry about it is great and is helping me right now, no notifications, just ambient music, and is making me focus to actually write this.
I guess I did went on sideways on my arguments, well, back on track.
I do have a very big problem with emails, I think of them as corporate tool, not for us mere mortals, and I don't know actually why. Maybe because my past experiences with it can be summarized as "Please, confirm your email, just so we know it's actually you" and now this database knows my entire past internet life and "Hey you, here's a business offering you won't like", not a single "Hi girlie". I actually felt opressed sending a personal email to a friend on their personal email for personal contant, and it felt wrong for me, and I don't know how to think about it, I know it's "wrong" but it's there. But with this thought, here's another question.
Should you send a email to your friend?
If you didn't, please do, talk about anything or even link this text wink wink, and if you did, maybe another one, the more the merrier. Emails are really great for long ramblings about a topic and even for simpler exchanges or just saying that your friend is a really cool friend (it would make my year if something like this happened, i guess this really says about me than the whole email idea) just be wary that maybe your friend don't open their inbox, so calmy shout your friend about opening theirs, like I will do with mine when I end this article(is this an article? no idea). Or maybe I'm just exagerating and everyone still sends emails to friends and family, I don't, but, Reader, I will try.
Thanks Reader for your time,