Reject CSS, Embrace Reader View
Created at: 2024-04-22
Last edited at: 2024-04-22
Yes, the title is sensationalist, but I think its sounds fun. Not sorry.
As someone who sort of broke one of the unspoken rules of my own site, words first/no visual clutter/use default stuff, even if just a little bit, I didn't regret it, it looks better than just black and white and gives a bit of personality, which is something i tried to reach for a little bit, however, I say you should ignore all of this and turn Reader View on whch literally turns all of what I said invalid, because it is a black and white no visual clutter default stuff only. And I actually love it for what it is (and why you should at least use in some sites).
I love seeing weird pages on the internet, and you probably also do, judging from the fact you're on Neoticies, but I also like to read what you wrote on it, your articles, blogs, and especifically for things I want to read, I don't care for your CSS, your animated text and the cat following my mouse, or maybe I care too much that if is hurting my ability to read, I will try to disable it in some way or another, and for me, the best way to experience your writing is to simply turn Reader View on. No distractions, no things I might don't like, just plain and simple text, the meat of your article/blog/whatever. The perfect reading tool.
Maybe you don't agree with me, that I'm neglecting the fact you wrote millions of code to make text wave like in Hotline Miami, that I'm standardizing your web and such, and to this I say, you're right, I am, and as much as you, I like to have things tailored for me, to my liking, which Reader View meet my criterias, and I have it tailored for me (uses my system font, dark mode, and other in-view config) and if I want to see what you did on your website, like that wavy text, I will just turn off and see, it's not an replacement, just and alternative to it.
But for more practical uses, it turn ads off. That's the point for what I first stared using. No "hey we need your cookies" or "sign your newsletter for more" and more intrusive examples (sometimes it even blocks paywalls!) and in a ever-growing agressive marketing strategies, it makes wonders for my reading experience and I don't need to deal with them as often I would need to. You probably noticed that it does reduces/remove visual clutter, in just stripping down everything except text and some images, and it's also a selling point, which I discussed earlier, but I wasn't really interested in it.
And i guess this is a bit of a stretch, but for you, webmaster, you page having the Reader View option is good, because it's more accessibility, And not just for me which just wants to read, but it has Text-to-Speech built-in, bigger fonts and no distractions for the homies who can't focus, everything is built-in, your just have to check if your page works with it, by literally just opening it and see if the button works (its a page button in the search bar/omni bar, no idea on chrome) and if you wrote a text in the minimal lenght of a max character twitter post, it probably will detect as a ProbablyReaderable and enable it for you (i have no idea how exactly works, but that's what I understood). Just check it, please.
And for you, Reader (not View), maybe try it out, if you don't like, don't use it, simple as that. And if you activated when I wrote that you should, you can turn off now and see that my page does sucks!
Thank you Reader for reading my unpaid #ad for a probably popular tool I saw no one mention,