Thoughts, Opinions and Such
Created at: 2024-03-27
Last edited at: 2024-04-03
An aglomeration of pages about things I would like to discuss, ranging from my views on today's society to reviews of esoteric rpgmaker hidden gems, which possibly will make the entire content of my website, because this was intended to be a notebook of my thoughts not an actual website.
Pages can have sub-pages containing additional content inside them and will be marked as links, explore a bit.
Please, don't take my words as facts, think about it and make your opinion, even if is opposite of mine or the same, critical thinking is important in today's society.
Happy browsing, Reader!
Content list:
--- Older to newer ---
- I like some algoritms
- Why there's no back button?
- Have you ever sent a email to your pal?
- Felt unproductive, might delete later
- Reject CSS, Embrace Reader View
- Is our website important enough?
Reviews list:
--- Older to newer ---
Worse yet to come.